Discover all app features.
- Get nutrition & lifestyle guidance to balance your hormones
- Track your periods and symptoms
- Track your Monthlies supplement
- Set your daily supplement reminder
- Receive personalised analytics & recommendations
- Access research-backed wellness plans, book appointments with experts, & learn all about your hormonal health
Our app is curated by gynaecologist & women’s health experts.
Meet our experts.
Don’t take our word for it, take hers!
We've carefully chosen premium ingredients that work in harmony, offering a complete and holistic solution to enhance women's health while addressing every facet of menstrual well-being.
The app helps you track your menstrual cycle, symptoms, and supplement intake while providing personalized nutrition and lifestyle guidance to balance your hormones.
Your privacy is our priority. We use secure encryption methods to protect your data and ensure it’s only accessible to you.
The app is completely free to use. All features are available at no cost.
Simply sign up with your email below and we’ll notify you as soon as the app is available for download.
We've carefully chosen premium ingredients that work in harmony, offering a complete and holistic solution to enhance women's health while addressing every facet of menstrual well-being.
Die App hilft dir, deinen Menstruationszyklus, deine Symptome und die Einnahme von Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln zu überwachen und gibt dir persönliche Ernährungs- und Lebensstilberatung, um deine Hormone auszugleichen.
Deine Privatsphäre ist unsere Priorität. Wir verwenden sichere Verschlüsselungsmethoden, um deine Daten zu schützen und sicherzustellen, dass sie nur für dich zugänglich sind.
Die Nutzung der App ist völlig kostenlos. Alle Funktionen sind kostenlos verfügbar.
Melde dich einfach unten mit deiner E-Mail-Adresse an und wir benachrichtigen dich, sobald die App zum Download bereitsteht.
Life with Monthlies. Join our community.

Your period shouldn’t get in the way of you achieving your dreams.
Use our app to access tools & information for empowered health and hormone decisions.